9 years ago


I am trying two things here:

1. Display articles contents based on date.

2. Ajax based search on categories selected.

Further i need suggestions to how to go about doing below:

Is it possible to modify the articles in such a way that each time we modify, the contents should be appended.

Say, i have a article published. Any authorized user can modify but rest of the contents should never be deleted or modified but only he will append the contents to existing article.

Your suggestions appreciated.


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9 years ago
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for your first question - do you want to do a date based search or dispaly different fields based on date or somehting else?

for ajax - this is not currently possible out of the box.

For your third question you can use restriciton plugins e..g workflow restricition to show some fields only on Add action or set access level  that they are only visible to the admins etc - depends on details..

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