11 years ago

Hi All,

Some time ago I used the forum for a question regarding using the OR function for my search result (see old post)

Now I am dealing with the same issue for a different (see link) site with the latest Seblod rel. Unfortunately it doesn't work.

In the search area you can select 1 or more accommodations. e.g., if Apartment and B&B are selected, I expect that all accommodations are shown that are Apartment OR B&B. But in this case no results are shown since it looks for accommodations that are Apartment AND B&B.

I created a field named Accommodation. I created another field named accommodation_and_or and configured this as told in the old post. 

Can anyone tell me what the easiest way is to get this function for my Search results ??



Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

I forgot to set MATCH on ANY WORDS in Search Type.

Works fine now.


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