10 years ago


I need to create a List and Search Type, but I am puzzled with the layout of it. I have done some basic layout with it. I have created a search type with the category id as a hidden search criteria, but there is a description field for the category as whole. I could add it in content type, but the end user will have to add it again and again for every product he enters, while it has to be only displayed on the search and list type page only once, which is associated to the menu item related to that particular search type.

Again, there is a color display options {basically an image, showing available color option}, which is common for all the products in a particular category and does not change, but can be displayed on a page if color option is available, otherwise it is not displayed.

I am not sure how to implement this in seblod, although, I tried an option of creating a custom HTML module in Joomla and display it on the search and list type landing page, but it turns out to show on all the sub-pages / search result pages.

Any suggestion would be of great help. I know, I am asking for too much, but, I am unable to figure out a solution for this.

Thank you all for your support.



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