8 years ago

I have made a register Form

I need this form 2 Times. Once for Buyers and once for Sellers.

The difference between those two register forms is only the User Group.

How can i make the user choose from User Group (10 and 11)?

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Add select simple with the above options and the same storage as it is in User Usegroup field to the registration form.

8 years ago
Level 1

Hmm, isn't it very dangerous?

The user could change the id values (10 or 11) to 7 and get Administrator rights.

8 years ago
Level 2

I did the following select simple field. It seems to work.

I have the Groups "Freelancer (10)" and "Ausschreiber (11)" and "Test (12)"

When i use tamperdata to manipulate the field when registering to 12, the user becomes the standard Group "Registered" instead of "Test (12)".

Is this a safe way? So nobody can register as "Administrator" or other Group?

Thanks a lot for your help!

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

I just retested this and I can assure you - if you use select simple user will only be able to select values that are available - in case of usergroups this means if data is tampered with (changed manually), default usergroup will be used as defined in the User Manager Options.

8 years ago
Level 2

That is perfect. Thank you Klas!

8 years ago
Level 1

That is perfect. Thank you Klas!

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