10 years ago

I would like to have a field that do that

Select article to display here: [when click opens the tab]

Itens selected: [have the articles]

After save

Article 1                        Article 2

thumb 1                        thumb2

which field shoul i use?

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi diogowernik,

Could you give some more details in what you want to do?

In the first case, you could use a related article.  In the second image, it would be a tag field.



10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Randy

Sorry my drawing was not so clear, i made another schemma to be more clear.

Ok, explaining how it is.

My site have diferent kinds of user: Professionals, Companies and People.

In Company profile this field would be:  Select professionals that work here

In Professional profile this field would be:  Select companies that you work

The field more close is related articles, but i would like to have:

- search to select articles that will be displayed, because the site have 300 articles and a dropdown would be not easy

- possibilitie to easy add our exclude professional, in case of these professionals change comapany


10 years ago
Level 2

Hi again,

Is any way to do that using selod, or somethiing similar?


693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi diogowernik,

Can you use a category?    If the terms that you are looking for are in different fields, then have you looked at the Search Generic?



10 years ago
Level 4

Hi Randy,

I dont know if we are talking about the same thing. The search generic look like a very nice plugin, but is for visitors of the site, if i understand it good. im thinking about buying it for another solution.

What i am talking about is use a search for the article owner include information.

For example: 

a company profile has:

company name

company telefone

people that work in this company: professional 1, professional 2

So the idea is that the company profile owner coud select the professionals in his [profile edit page], that will be displayed in his profile page. The site have 300 profiles. The search would be to find the professional that he will add in his profile page.

Maybe the only way with seblod is using related article field, is that right? 

Some company have 6 professionals, some have 2 professionals.


693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5

Hi diogowernik!

Ah! OK thanks for the details!

So is the Maximum number of professional 6? If that's the case then you can use a FieldX with a related article, or a GroupX. If a company can have many more professionals, then you might need a different solution.

Do you have professionals editing their current company information?

Then is the Company managing their own separate professional list?



10 years ago
Level 6

Hi Randy,

Thanks, i will tryi the FieldX or GroupX and see which is the best, 

The professionals can edit their own profile (and select in which companies they work, for example a yoga teacher that gives classes in two companies, so using this GroupX field with related article, they select the companies profiles as related to their profile)

The same with company profile (in the example above, one yoga studio can select the teachers that work in his school). So.

Do you have professionals editing their current company information? Yes, usually are not big companies, so the owner or someone is responsable for editing and updating the profile. Are Yoga Studios, Pilates Studios, etc...

Then is the Company managing their own separate professional list? Yes.

When they have dificults with that, they can ask me to do.

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 7

Hi diogowernik,

Also have a look at the SEBLOD Form & List Pack, it might provide another option. You could create a List & Search Type on the Professional content type based on current position.



10 years ago
Level 8

Hi Randy,

I didnt understand how it work and how it can help in this case, could you explain better :)


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