10 years ago

Octopoos have stated that the SD Live plugin is not compatible with the latest release of Seblod (3.3.5). Is there any information about when a compatible version of the plugin will be available?

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10 years ago
Level 1

I contacted Simon Dowdles, the plugin developer, about another issue that I ran into yesterday. I also asked when a compatible plugin for Seblod 3.3.5 will be available and pointed him to this thread. So I'm positive that we will get feedback from Simon soon.

10 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for the update gebeer. The update is definitely in demand. There is another, more extensive discussion in the VIP forum about the very same thing.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Yesterday I did some tests with different Seblod versions and SD live plugin seems to work ok for me with all of them including latest one (3.3.6). If anyone has a away to reproduce supposed SD live incompatibility with latest Seblod, please let us know.

151 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Tested with Joomla 3.3.3 and Seblod 3.3.7 (fresh installation) and it seems to work:

- Created a content type with some fields (like Article Title)

- Created a form with a text-field for the SD Live Plugin

- Added the form via Joomla Module into my content type

- grabbed the Article Title with the plugin -> configure -> art_title

But there was one issue with an another module, which i added to my content type before (a seblod list). SD didnt worked until i removed this module from the content view or changed the order (first field with SD as live value option, then the field with my seblod list module)

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Problem is that SD live grabs values from the alst instance of the seblod rendering class, when you have list module before the one with sd live, this last instance would be the lsit and since it wonpt work as SD lvie only works with single pages

151 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Thx a lot for the explanation Klas! I am glad that this cool plugin still works.

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