187 Posts
10 years ago


i have a publish down field. And it looks like my search-list still shows content after the publish down date and time... every time i try to make a new test-content, the list is updated and old content is removed.

Does this field get triggerd by saving another form?

Another question i have. In my backend article list the green v for published is still green. It works, the articles arenot being shown anymore, but how can i tell which articles are not being published anymore?

Hope someone has the insight in the workings :-)

Thanks and greetings,


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187 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

nobody knows when this field gets executed?

I thought it would be time related. Triggerex by a frontend visit or somethinv. But it looks like it gets triggered by saving another form.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2


publish down is joomla field and function, as far as I'm aware it is checked when article is saved (unpublish is set when publish_down is expired) and when article is displayed (articles with expired publish down are fitlered out).

187 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Klas,

i thought so yes... But it seems to react on me adding a new article to the specific cck. And the sign that it is unpublished isn't showing in the backenc (red instead of green v).. I'm going to test it with a normal Joomla article...

Maybe if its true that the article itself must be viewed it can be correct, as i only viewed the list/search and not the whole article...

Going to test and let you know...



187 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


When i create a normal joomla article... and put a publish down date then after that time... I see this in de backend.

187 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

I see this...

And when i look at the database i saw this.. 

The images look a bit small..

On the joomla article after the publish down time a saw the indication turning orange for being depublished...

On the seblod item nothing changes... in the database the time wasn't imported, was 00000. So, i thought maybe i shouldn't use the publish down field thats standard in seblod under the Joomla-fields... so i created a new calendar and let that field publish the date and time into the standard article Publish down database-table or column...

That worked as far as i can see the date being there, but after the publish down time, i don't see the orange indication before the article title in the article manager...



187 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

The reason for not seeing the publish down change seesm to lie in a time seeting conflict or problem... I have joomla time set on amsterdam.. and i think the server timezone as well... The joomla article gets another time in the database then the seblod article... will look further into this...

187 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Thanks Klas, for thinking with me and putting me in the right direction...



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