45 Posts
9 years ago


I have a custom-made content-type that needs to be reviewed by judges. They need to be able to grade it (from 1 to 10).
Also, each entry should display a computated average.

I see how a simple text field could be manually added for each judge, and displayed using conditions.
But this seems stupid with such a dynamic CCK.

Is there a better way to do this ? Is there a field that could store a each judge's input, while allowing editing of this value ?
Idealy, Seblod should offer each judge his own grading field, without having to create that field manually for each judge.

I must admit I fail to see how to do this with my favorite CCK... Has anyone already done something like this ?


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45 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Simply put : is there a form field that would have a distinct input string or number for each user ?

Plus simplement : est-ce qu'il existe un champ qui permet de proposer un input distinct à chaque user ? Un sorte de tableau userID -> value, qui s'agrandirait à chaque nouvel input d'un user ?

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