9 years ago

Dear All,

I would simply like the NEW USER to be able to SIGN UP with their First Name & Last Name, without the odd field: User Name, which is confusing for the user, or the user would think I am an odd, demanding them to repeat another type of "Name"!? Not user friendly to force all these field upon the registrant.

1. I have tried to make the field User Name "Optional" but that doesn't work. Gives error: "Error - Registration failed: Please enter name." (Is there an error in SEBLOD here or should this actually work, since it is choosable? Otherwise it's just confusing, if it isn't.)

2. I have tried to hide User Name and concatenate the two fields First Name & Last Name to User Name, but the registration process still gives: "Error - Registration failed: Please enter name." I tried changing many different settings here, but nothing worked.

3. I DONNOT like the possibly possible solution of using User Name for e.g. the Firstname, since there are already users registered with their full name in the old Joomla User Name field, and this would make the DB incongruent. If User Name is absolutelly required, I guess hiding and concatenating First Name + Last Name into User Name, would be the best solution. Any other suggestions?

I see that other users have the same problem and haven't gotten an answer to this for over 3 years. Why is this not an easy and straight forward process to get to work without errors? It should be simple to set up a registration form with whatever fields you like, I believe, or at least I used to think.

I am a SEBLOD total beginner. Can someone finally show how this simple and user friendly sign up form is created successfully, in a detailed step by step explaination, possibly with screenshots or a video if needed?

I, and many others would appreciate that, You Pro, help us get over this basic hurdle, will you. I hope this isn't the hardest problem to solve in the entire world.

Many thanks to YOU in advance MY HERO, who ever you are. :-)

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175 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Just a dummy question; have you tried Computation Rules (view #5)?

9 years ago
Level 2

As mentioned under point 2 above, I tried to concatanate the fields, but I didn't get it to work. Do you know how to accomplish the task?

9 years ago
Level 1

Hi RunMyWeb.com,

This error is logic. Why? Because in joomla each user must have a name, a username and an email.

After that, if you would like to implement what you describe in your post you can follow these steps:

  1. Add fields "User First Name" and "User Last Name" to a user content type.
  2. Add a field "User Name" to a hidden position of your "site form" view.
  3. Add a field "before store" to your "site form" view.
  4. fill the following code in the "before store" field
$fields['user_name']->value = $fields['user_first_name']->value . ' ' . $fields['user_last_name']->value;
$config['storages']['#__users']['name'] = $fields['user_name']->value;


9 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for your reply.

Looks like you found a solution, but it suggest that I need to pay €30, one of your more expesive add-ons, and implement coding work around, just to be able to try out to register a member with Firstname and Lastname, which confirms that there is no easy or free way to do the basic of all things.

Seems too expensive, just to try out Joomla & SEBLOD, to do something so basic.

Is there still any other suggestions to a simple and free solution to register members Firstname and Lastname, without the user needing to fill out the a 3rd field "User Name"? I've never seen this on the whole www ever before. Can't believe really that Joomla should be so behind in development.

I had put a lot of hope in Joomla and SEBLOD, so I still hope there is a simple and free way to this basic thing.

The logical question that arrises otherwise is that, if it is so complicated and expensive to do something so basic as registering a member, then what is to be expected, when I need to to some other basic thing, that is somewhat more advanced - €300, €3000?

175 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Joomla username is nothing more or less unacceptable than google, yahoo, MS, facebook, twitter or any other social network usernames.

With a solution that Mehdi showed you, you can obviate that limitation, which is not so trivial in other mentioned places.

If you are really adventurous, try field 42, which also has a PrepareStore event, and place Mehdi's code there. I haven't tried it, and do not intend to, so I do not vouch it will work, but it might work.

Our community (and I am referring to Joomla!) has benefited greatly with SEBLOD as content extender, application development and multi-site tool, without which many of the modern web features would be much harder to achieve in Joomla.

You are free to try ProcessWire, WordPress, Drupal, Typo3 etc. I wonder if you will find a "painless" quick solution for your problem there.

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi there,

Thanks to webcastor and Mehdi for their solutions and proposals here.

I want to first address a statement in your post "Can someone finally show how this simple and user friendly sign up form is created successfully, in a detailed step by step explanation, possibly with screenshots or a video if needed?".

If you have this sort of request, then you must purchase a VIP subscription and ask your question on the private forums where we give this sort of support. You are posting in the community forums where the community helps each other, so to specifically request someone to make you a special video is too much.

Secondly, please have a look around for solutions before you post. Just by doing a simple Google search I found multiple resources that relate to this question. Here are two:

  • http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/forms-content-types/user-registration-form
  • http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/forms-content-types/email-as-username-seblod-jfbconnect-can-work#post11825

Now, to your question.

You must consider that all usernames in Joomla! (this is not SEBLOD, this is Joomla) - MUST be unique. That's not just Joomla either. That's ANY website in the whole internet. Two users can not have the same username. IF you make the username = First name + Last name, you will make some users need to enter an incorrect name just to register on your site! For example in the English speaking world, where there are 1000000 x people named "John Smith" - how will they all register?

Another consideration is that something MUST be stored in the username column in the database. This is Joomla! again, not SEBLOD.

So, here is the solution to your problem, if I understand it correctly. You want to remove the unnecessary step of a user having to enter a username. Instead, you want your registration form to have First Name, Last Name, Email and Password, and that's it. What I propose is use computation rules to repeat the email as the username. So when a user comes to log in, they use their email address and password.

How to do it:

  1. In your "Site Form" add your fields for user registration
  2. Create a new field using Simon's SD Concatenate Plugin (this is probably the most useful plugins ever created for SEBLOD, definitely worth the 15 Euros)
  3. Set up the storage and the value like I have in the attached screenshot
  4. Set it to "hidden"

Now all of your user's will use their email to log in as their username. That solves your problem of not requiring a user to enter a specific "username".

8 years ago
Level 1

1. Add Joomla User fields "User First Name" and "User Last Name" and "Username" to a user content type

2. Add Joomla User field "Name" to a hidden position of your "site form" view

3. Go to Tab No 5 of your hidden field "Name" where you can add a "Conditional States" and then add -> is Filled by -> user_username -> #form# -> WHEN -> User Username -> is Changed

This way your user has a "first name", "last name" and your field "name" will be the same as field "user name" whenever you edit that field. I needed this, because "name" was a required field with MijoShop/OpenCart for Joomla.

If you want to integrate your super user on a fresh seblod install, you first need the id of your super user. Check table "YourJoomlaPrefix_users" for the id.

Whenever you have created a new user with installed Seblod, check 2 Seblod tables on how this new user has been added and add your super user the same way...

- YourJoomlaPrefix_cck_core

- YourJoomlaPrefix_cck_store_item_users

If your form can't find your super user, check the user groups he is assigned to...you might have to add super user to group registered as well...

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