11 years ago


Some of the extensions like Real Estate extensions, etc already have countries and cities fields. Is it possible with seblod to use these 3rd party Countries&Cities fields for CB during registration? This will help reduce the database size...instead of creating another countries and cities fields in CB database.

If it is possible, how can it be done?



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106 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1


You can use any DB table with countries, actually there is already built one for SEBLOD. Only if you want to make them like selected Germany and it filters out everything except German cities, then it could be harder (actually I do not know how to do this), but otherwise check in SEBLOD Construction -> Fields search for User Country ( user_country ) field it is made for User reg form (default built by SEBLOD), open it up and check how it works. Btw it is very easy to add translations for this table (#__cck_more_countries) and make them work in Multilingual.


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