215 Posts
11 years ago

Hello Selbod Aliens,

I imported my client's members. New members have about a dozen REQUIRED* questions/fields to fill out.

However, old member's do NOT have this data as part of their profile -- it does not exist.

So .... What to do? It would seem there are a few methods to solve this.

  • Tell Admins to update records ONLY in the back end (thus the admin view solves this)
  • Create an alternate Content Type for Admins (in the front-end)
  • Or a feature request:
    1. a toggle switch that the ADMIN VIEW is also used in the front end for Special ACL or above
    2. create a conditional for the currently logged in user's ACL (Admin in this case), then the required state is OFF.

Any input? Thx!

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85 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi S-ALF (Seblod-Alien Life Form :) ),

In this case I duplicate fields in form, once for new, once for old user, and I separate it by Acces View.

Maybe a it's a quick idea, not the solution :)


215 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Additionally, you soon realize that duplicating your form is NOT an option IF your storage location is LOCKED because the fields have already been "used". I have not experimented, but it would seem building your forms with a custom storage would be better. 

Or easier is to actually just add "dummy" values for any fields for which you've imported. Thus NEW entries will get the required data, but people who edit the data will not be delayed because they do not know the proper data value.

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