10 years ago


i have problem with calendar field - after adding publish date it appears with + 3 hours. Does anybody had the same problem ?

Best Regards!

Get a Book for SEBLOD
20 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Actually yes, I did (and not only me). The problem is - the calendar plugin uses UTC instead of your local time. I indicated this problem on this very forum, bo nobody cared, my post magically disappeared and is to be found only with help of searching option.

But to the point - here is some bad and good news. The good news is you can modify the plugin php file manually and it works, the bad news is - you have to dig through Seblod V2 forum and find the modified calendar plugin for the older version, then copy all the changes made to that old version to the new version. Then create a new calendar plugin and use it instead of that default one.

It's really an annoying bug that is easy to fix and I have no idea why Seblod team doesn't just correct it.

10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Olek, i know for the modification but it doesn't work correct with SEBlod v3. This days i will try to modify it and upload it here.

Best Regards!

215 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

This post on the v2 site may help some, Seblod old forum post

20 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Yes, I know this thread. However you have to modify calendar.php manually every time there is a new update just to make SEBLOD work properly. I wonder whi SEBLOD team doesn't correct it. I reported it to tracker, but... nothing happened.

215 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Is there a way to off-set my search of date/time field? or actually alter the way Joomla records date/time? My client needs PST not GMT.

Saw this link on StackOverflow, but it relates more to display, I think.

215 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4

Saw this function

// Convert local date to UTC when storing to database
// (Say the variable $date stores local date)
$tz = JApplication::getCfg('offset');
$date = new JDate($date, $tz);
$table->example_date_field = $date->toMySQL();

Can these functions be used with the Code Pack? with a few changes probably ....

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