10 years ago
Hello Seblod Community,

at first, I would like to congratulate to Seblod team for this great component! This is the best I ever seen!
I started to build up my site with it without any problem. It is so easy and comfortable (I am not a programmer)!

Now I have an issue what I can't solve and unfortunatelly I didn't find any solution in the forum yet.

In my project, it is necessary to add Joomla Tags to the user profile also, but the standard user_tags field doesn't work for me:
- the field appear in the site form, I can add the tags, but I can't see it again after submitting
- I had a look in the sql database, but I also not found anything

Does anybody have any experience using joomla tags in users content?
If yes, please help me to solve my problem.

My configuration:
- Joomla 3.2.3
- Seblod 3.3.3
- CCK Storage Location - Joomla! User plugin bridge enabled
Thank you in advance!
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Istvan,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forums.

Are you getting any error message?  Is it  this is the issue that you are having?



10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Randy,

thank you for your helpfullness!
After submitting the user profile, I receive a confirmation message: "Successfully saved" (the debug also not highlight any problem).
I read through your linked forum topic, but fortunatelly I can add new tags from backend and frontend also to Joomla.

My problem is bit different (sorry for my poor english):
I can assign tags to Article content type with art_tags field, but I can't assign tags to User content type with user_tags field. After submitting the User Profile, the assigned tags are not saving to #__contentitem_tag_map table (the article tags saved into this table). I am not really sure that it is possible to assign tags to User content or not in Joomla...

I checked the user_tags field parameters, but is seems correct for me:
type: jform/tags
storage: Standard | User | tags

Any help would be appreciated!
Best regards,
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi Istvan,

I have duplicated your results.  Before submitting an issue in the tracker, I will verify if its a SEBLOD issue or Joomla issue.


10 years ago
Level 4
Hi Randy,

thank you for your support!
It means that basically it is possible to add tags to user content, which is a very good news for me.

Thanks again!
10 years ago
Level 5
seems I've the same question...http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/fields-plug-ins/joomla-tags-and-seblod
still unsolved. If you have an idea or solution...hope may help
10 years ago
Level 6
Hi Terveg,

I made some trial using tags for user content, but until now I have no success.
In this week I made some test and installed a fresh Joomla without Seblod to try the user tagging. The result is that there isn't tag field in the user profile, therefore what I would like to reach isn't a standard function.
Hopefully in the next versions there will be this function, but now we should find some alternatives.

10 years ago
Level 7
the problem is such, that joomla tags are stored in database in very specific way, you can see it if you will create few and assign it to an article.
Just a guess, might be achieved with core42 field. But i'm zero in coding...that's the problem.
Basically, I see that seblod creates user page if bridge is ON. This means we may add tags to that article....at the moment i don't see any connection between article, created by bridge and registation form.
10 years ago
Level 8
Hi Terveg, Randy,

Today I made a short look in the SQL database structure and I found the following:
  • when you save an article, Joomla store it in #__ucm_content table also (even if you create the article with Seblod)
  • when you add a new user, there will be no new record in this table (even if the bridge is ON)
I searched on the web about this table and I found that it is need for Joomla tagging system. 

Based on the above things, I think that for the user tagging it is necessary to store the user content to the #__ucm_content table also.
What do you think about it?

10 years ago
Level 9
I want this included in the bridge plugin. Now half done , half not...
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