9 years ago


Just bought the tabs template, works brilliant with content view but when i try to divide some search fields between tabs everything looks normal in back-end but in the front-end you see all the search fields on one page without tabs...

Somebody an idea how to solve this?

Screenshot back-end

Screenshot front-end

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154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

As I understand the position of the OUTPUT in each tab (frontend view) is set in the LIST not in the SEARCH FORM section.

9 years ago
Level 1

Hello Laurens,

and thank WebOne for your sharing!

The plugin field "Tabs" have 3 Behaviors :

  • Start : must be the first tab
  • Panel : each other tabs
  • End : must be the last tab

That parameters can be set when you edit each "tabs" field.

An other important parameter for this kind of field is : "Group Identifier" => be sure to put a same identifier for each Tabs field which are working together, for exemple "group1"

So, be sure to have each Tabs field in the good order.



9 years ago
Level 1

Okay, got it !

Last little question: is it possible to have my results in one tab and my search options in another tab?

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