10 years ago


I have an issue with the storage method "free", especially with deleting those records.

I created a guestbook with seblod 3. Mainly because there is no need to create articles for that, i used the storage method "standard/free". I set up a database table with phpMyAdmin containing the fields id (auto-increment), name, e-mail, date, message, comment. Add a new message, view list, open entry, edit it, store again - in backend and frontend - everything works perfect!

But deleting an entry causes "Error - An error has occurred" after confirming "Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)?". I tried both "free text delete" and "icon delete". I set up the the complete "app" several times, same issue.

Using the storage method "standard/article" works, but creates unwanted articles of course. What am i doing wrong or is it a bug in Seblod?

I already posted this as a comment to an open ticket in the tracker (created 1 year ago ^^ ), but i have to get this solved soon. So, maybe someone here can help?

Many thanks in advance!

Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1

You have to wrote a link plugin to delete your free object.

10 years ago
Level 2

Hello Codigo Abert, thanks for your reply. I'm pretty new to seblod, so could you please give me a slight idea of how such a link plugin should look like?

But I can't imagine that it is really necessary to "hardcode" such a basic function. I would appreciate it very much, if one of the devs would briefly comment on this. Thank you!

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi Neurosis,

In the future, you should let SEBLOD build the tables for you.  There is no reason that you should have to create a table using phpMyAdmin or any other database manager.  Have you had a chance to study the SEBLOD storage methodology in this tutorial and videos.  Standard|Article is the storage that is used almost exclusively.  I'm not sure what you mean by unwanted articles.

How are you presenting your guestbook?  Do you have a Search & List Type to display for other users, or is it only for the Administrators to view?  For a guestbook app - it is basically a simple Contact Us form - just a different category.

Have you turned on the debugging options to see the errors explained?



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