332 Posts
9 years ago


I've been struggling for days with this problem.

I've got a simple select field set up with field x. I manage to get data in and out the way I want to, but I can not search based on the selection made with Field X..

I've tried a lot of different versions of the storage settings, but the closest I got to getting the search to work was just a hit on one of the added values with Field X...

Have others managed to get this to work? How is the setup?

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9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Kenneth,

try to add the same storage to the field which is used in your fieldX as the fieldX itself.

For example, if I want to replicate X times a text field to get some answers, I would do like that :

  • Field Text "Answer" : None
  • FieldX "Answers" : Custom | article | answers[answer]

In the search, use an alias of your text field, with the storage : 

  • Field Text Alias "Answer (bis)" : Custom | Free | #__the_good_table | answers

Best regards.


332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

That did the trick! Thanks!! I'm purchasing a VIP membership for that one! :P

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