9 years ago


I have created a blog list layout and for each 'article' that is listed in the blog layout, I need to show the actually 'category' that the article belows to for each article that is listed in the blog view...and example would be: published in: 'events' (my events category).

I looked at your SD Live CCK field plugin, but this specifically says it will not work in Blog view:


Please advise

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233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hello austenn01,

maybe I am lost in translation... are you talking about SEB BLOG and default ITEM view? 
Then you just have to add the following field to your ITEM view:

Article Category Id  

It's of type "Form - Category" and you should get the assigned category name(s) in frontend automatically. 

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

I think he is using the default Joomla menu item for an Article Blog page.

In this case, go to your Article Content Type and add the Article Category ID field to the INTRO view.


9 years ago
Level 2

i have added the category field to my blog view, but it doesnt show the actual category name. The category name needs to show, and it needs to show as a hyperlink that links to another blog view of all the articles that below to that category.

 I am using the Seblod List and Search types to display my blog view. As per my first post, the SD Live CCK plugin WON'T work in blog view, it only works in single article view....So i wanted to know how to achieve what I have asked?

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