11 years ago

I have fields set up to storage  to Standard |  Article | name_of_the_field

So I I understand seblod storage  logic this should be stored under the table of the article there should be a field with the name "name_of_the_field" 

When I  go to the datebase under the table _content I cant finde the field there?
Whats wrong? or I didnt get the storage logic of seblod

Thanks in advance

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11 years ago
Level 1

Hello @Kaon,

Not at all like that.

SEBLOD never modify any table of Joomla, exept if you set "ALTER" at the right of the configuration field storage..

  • The padlock is closed:
    • field will be exclusivly for this content type. The storage will be in a table with the name :
    • #__cck_store_form_NAME_OF_THE_CONTENT_TYPE

  • The padlock is open:
    • the field will be able for all content type, and it is stored in a table with the name:
    • #__cck_store_item_content

Best regards.


11 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for the tip

Anyway I'm trying to add some seblod fields into view.feed.php  (components/com_content/views/category/view.feed.php)

SO how would I call in the seblod field into it? 

If they call the title as   

$title = $this->escape($row->title)

So if they make a sql function with calling the table

$query = 'SELECT' .$db->quoteName('fulltext'). 'FROM #__content WHERE id ='.$row->id;

So probably I should also make a query to call the fields?

Thanks for the help i'm not really into this stuff

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