Hello guys,
Today is very common to have a product page, with a gallery and several images. I know that fieldx and a image field could fill this need but several times that i presented this solution for clients or agencies they just call the fieldx too "archaic", and indeed, it is. Almost all Custom CMS that I saw used by agencys have a multiupload tool and obviously, if you have a client that want to add a gallery with 30 images he obviously would not like the idea to do this one by one.
I am opening this thread just to suggest this feature and discuss this with everyone that would like the idea (I believe that I already suggested this on the suggestion track years ago).
This function is something that I would gladly purchase on SEBLOD store and a function that it would improve SEBLOD a lot too, after all, I think its important for a app builder to have a proper tool for images.
Thank you very much for all the hard work that the team puts in SEBLOD, it is a amazing tool.