9 years ago

Hello, I have installed Joomla 3.4.3, SEBLOD 3.7.0 and SEBLOD Exporter 1.4.0. I created Form & Content Type "Zdravotnické zařízení", it is article with custom fields. I need export content to CSV File. But the processing reports an error: File doesn't exist. Second problem is, that I'd like to select which field can be exported, but I can select only core joomla fields, not the fields that I created. Thank you for your help!

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8 years ago
Level 1

Hi Šárka,

Thanks to the information you gave us, we've fixed the problem on your website : In the Export options, you had set a string for the 'Append Date' option which couldn't be managed by the php date function and so, the export process couldn't finish to create the export file. We've removed the value and will let you enter a correct date format if needed.

For the second point, you're right. You can not select which custom fields you want to export. to do so, you have to create a search with the fields you want to be displayed (exported) and add an export button to your search form :

  • Create a session in the Exporter based on the configuration you want
  • In your search, create a 'Submit' button with 'task' set to export and 'session' set to the previously created session.


8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Olivier,

thanks for your help. Export works fine. But the second point - export the custom fields still has an error. Maybe I have a mistake in configuration of session in the Exporter. I created gradually 3 sessions, all Object = Article, Content Type = Zdravotnické zařízení, Prepare Output = Yes, Separator = ; and the first session Fields = All Fields, the second session Fields = No Fields and third session = Only Selected Fields and I chose introtext. In search the Submit button has task set to export and I gradually tried all 3 sessions. The search form is here http://psychiatrie.cz/index.php/export-zz

Thank you very much for your help!


30 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

I had similar error, it came from my misconfigured TMP folder path in joomla settings


Put that in a php file and open this php file in your browser to get your host path, then add it before your /tmp path


<?php echo dirname( __FILE__ ) ; ?>


Exemple, my tmp path is: /home/xxxxxxx/www/tmp

8 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for the tip gzukry...

It was not the problem in this case but that will certainly help other users.


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