11 years ago


Before buying this plugin, i have a question about the concatenation of the article id field.

I'd like to use the article id value with another one to autofill the article title. But what happens on article creation ? Is the article value null/0 as it seems the SD plugin takes the value from the form on before saving ?



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11 years ago
Level 1

Well, as far as I remember, article gets its ID in the moment of saving, while SD Concat would need it a bit earlier. That's why it is advised to concat time and title so you're sure no alias is duplicated. At least it was this way in version 2.x of the plugin.

11 years ago
Level 1


the version for seblod 2+ with changes for seblod3+ from another person is available at no cost still.

could try with this one.


11 years ago
Level 1

Hi All, 

Being the author of this plugin, I'd appreciate the support of a purchase, but if you feel the need to grab a modified older version for SEBLOD 3.x and Joomla! 3.x I am not stopping you, but don't expect support.

To answer your question about the article ID, SD Field Concat will handle new articles perfectly fine. It queries MySQL to get the next auto increment value of the #__content table and uses that. It also stores these values in the increments.ini file bundled with the plugin, acting as a cache for future re-use...

To use the article ID, you would concatenate this phrase: "<id>" with any other field. So assuming I wanted to concat an Article ID and the title, my full concat list of fields would be:


I hope that clears things up? If not, shout and I will explain further.


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