10 years ago
I have set up 2 different content types Venues and Events. Within Venues i have successfully set up the address to co-ordinates plugin to place a map in the article. In the Events I have set up a dynamic select field to list the venues where the events are held which works wonderfully.

My problem is that I would also like to retrieve the address information, lat/long coordinates from the venue chosen in the dynamic select field to also use in the events page.

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10 years ago
Level 1
Im now using the SD Databaser plugin on the Event's dynamic select field which lists all of the venues. The field stores the ID of the venue and the Databaser Plugin retrieves all of the additional information i need by using the following settings:
SQL Query:SELECT * FROM #__cck_store_form_venue WHERE id = *value*
Column(s) As Value: venue_latitude || venue_longitude || ven_address || ven_town || ven_postcode
This seems to work but if anyone thinks i could have done this a better way i would be happy for input, especially some way I can store the information retrieved by the plugin.
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