10 years ago

Hi everyone,

I am trying to remove the script includes for jQuery 1.8.3 and jquery-noconflict. For Seblod 2.x there exists this question, but on SEBLOD 3.x it seems to work only in some cases.


I have tried with the following code in my index.php of the joomla template that I am using:

< ? php
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
unset($doc->_scripts[ JURI::root( true ).'/media/cck/scripts/jquery/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js']);
unset($doc->_scripts[ JURI::root( true ).'/media/cck/scripts/jquery/js/jquery-noconflict.js']);
? >

But the following files are still present in the head-element if I activate a SEBLOD based Module element (for example of type: SEBLOD - List). My website already includes jquery 1.10:

< script src="/..../templates/mytemplate/js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js" >

and then later:

< script type="text/javascript" src="/..../media/cck/scripts/jquery/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js" > < !-- I DONT WANT THIS LINE -- >

< script type="text/javascript" src="/..../media/cck/scripts/jquery/js/jquery-noconflict.js" > < !-- I DONT WANT THIS LINE -- >

< script type="text/javascript" src="/..../media/cck/js/cck.core-3.3.0.min.js">

I am using a superfish based menu which does not work if jquery-noconflict is active, so I need some way to remove the additional jquery and no-conflict includes. Btw. for normal SEBLOD based content types the above unset lines do work, just not when I activate a SEBLOD based module.

Thank you very much.

Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1

The following answer solved the problem for me:


TL;DR: Disable the 'Quick Add - Seblod' Plugin unter 'Extensions' -> 'Extension Manager' -> 'Manage'

Get a Book for SEBLOD