106 Posts
10 years ago


Is it possible to make "Read more" with Button Free. To get from Search&List Article Intro to Full Article. And how?

I know how to make it with text field (but this idea and solution is ... khmmm ...).


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10 years ago
Level 1

Choose button free. Set label to "read more" then select link = content(view) .... You also might have to change the input=button instead of input.

106 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


Funny, it shows only Label, nothing else. Settings are right. This is in code:

<div id="cck540_value_more_info_button" class="cck_value cck_value_button_free"><a href="/en/test/test-bf-add/product-search/produkti/afrikas-dienvidi-no-keiptaunas-lidz-johannesburgai"></a></div>

When I insert value between <a></a> actually anything it shows up as link. Until this nothing happens. And I didn't found Value field for button.


10 years ago
Level 1

You could use a text field, add a class "button" to it and style your button with CSS. 

If you are using Bootstrap in your template, just add class "btn".

To add a custom class to your fields in SEBLOD go to the Item tab in your List&Search type, then choose 2 "Link + Markup (Class) and add the class to the desired fields.

106 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi gebeer

Yes, that's what I already done before. But then somehow I thought that this is a bit stupid way :) and there is beautiful Button Free. But it didn't worked out :(

Ok, will live with text field.


106 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

... and also, I just can't use bootstrap button styles in this case. 

I need to make new style for this exact button, because I use blue colour for links and then with bootstrap styles blue link text on on blue button is just sick. The same with other colours.

One more thing is that for Multilanguage Text field is useless as it is not automatically translatable, so for this advice is to use checkbox and then in language override translate default value.

Hard to call these as nice buttons except grey one:

Totally wrong idea about buttons

And as you will see in  all SEBLOD page, here all "read more" "buttons" are just links without button styling. Because it is not working that way for them too. Some buttons which are there are really buttons but with different functionality, nothing close to "Read more".

Oh, what a shame ... SEBLOD, please give us functional "Read more" button. Or at least instruction how to make it with Button Free. And for Multilanguage.


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