9 years ago


Can you please answer my questions ? Thank you ! 

1 - Can I create a Multi Step form ? If so, for instance if I have a form with 3 pages (steps) is it possible to save the inserted information between steps to the form database (and not only after reaching the latest page and submitting the entire form) ? 

2 - If the previous is possible, If I "go back" to some page on the form will the form fields be still filled with the information I've inserted ? 

3 - My goal is to integrate the form with a Joomla user profile. Is is possible that my registred user logs into Joomla and then accesses the some form record that only he or the group he is in already submited ? 

4 - I need the logged in frontend user to go tho his personal area and open some page where the form is. If the user already made a submission can I show him the form fields with the previous data he inserted ? If so can he edit those fields and save them again ? 

5 - Is it possible to allow forms usage per user our user group ? (say Form1 only person X can sava and edit...) 

6 - Is there any way to notificate by email when someone fills a form ? 

7 - I would like to know if I can have any type of dynamic fields within my form. Imagine my form asks for my hobbies... Can I add one after another, such as pressing a "plus" sign and a new hobby related field appears for me to insert my other hobby... ? 

Best Regards !

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9 years ago
Level 1

Hello kinetic, 

welcome in SEBLOD world.

Yes, SEBLOD can do all what you describe in your post!

1) You can create multi stage form, and datas are stored automatically at each stage.

2) Yes, you can create "Previous" button, and data already stored will be filled automatically

3) Yes, form with multi stage can be used to manage User profil. You can choose which fields you want to display depending on :

  • User group
  • workflow (Add / Edit)
  • Access
  • ...

4) Yes, you can create a profil view where all the informations entered by the user are displayed., and then add differents buttons to acces to the différents stage of your form to edit data and save them again, without saving all stages. (for exemple, only editing data from the stage 3)

5) Yes, stage / fields can be displayed depending on user (by using restriction plugin)

6) Yes, by adding Email field in your form

7) Yes, each SEBLOD field can be added in a form. For the exemple you describe, SEBLOD have a plugin named FieldX, which can replicate any kind of field.

By cons, the only thing I want to say, is that your request is not a simple feature and will request you, depending on your knowledge, a lot of learning.

So I advise, for beginning with SEBLOD by a feature like that, to begin by looking at all the documentation, manuals, tutorial and video and try some more simple features.

Hope it will help you.



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