10 years ago

Could anyone tell me how to change the default language of the calendar? I'm having a problem with my translation because it does not reflect the day of the week, the translation only works when a date is selected, But when you save the form and return to the edit page it comes back to the default language (Inglês).

Have I changed the files of plugins / cck_field / calendar / assets / js / lang folder and nothing worked, did a search for all terms, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday ... and replace as my language (pt-BR) and also not worked.

Could anyone help me?

Date format*: l d-m-Y

 Thank you!

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


calendar should be auto changing language to the active language, if this is not the case it is a bug, pelase report this on the tracker


10 years ago
Level 2

Thanks, let me know how long I will have an answer? Again, thank you.

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