By using this product http://www.seblod.com/products/8538 we can achieve nice catalog structure and we can pass value from parrent list to child search .
But i have a need to pass dynamic value from parrent seach to child search.
For example.
I have balls for volleyball, football and basketball. In every of these categories i have green, red and orange balls.
I have page like
|___Color Field___| - search form of parant list&seach with color field.
Vollerball Balls
- green ball
- red ball
Basketball Balls
- red ball
- orange ball
- green ball
Football Balls
- green ball
- red ball
After that user want to see only red balls from all categories, for that user choose "red' color in color field.
So page woud look like:
|___Red Color___| - search form of parant list&seach with red color selection.
Vollerball Balls
- red ball
Basketball Balls
- red ball
Football Balls
- red ball
It`s possible to achieve it by useing seblod LIST & SEACH PACK ?
How can i pass dynamic values from parent seach to child seach?