248 Posts
6 years ago

Hi, how optgroup (to group options) is supported in select dynamic cascade field? In Select Dynamic it is normally supported (like "<field> AS optgroup") while in cascade seems there is a different behavior (that should be fix IMHO). Searching around I just found this old post from Klas different behavior of optgroup but I don't understand how to use it in select cascade (waiting for same behavior than in non cascade). Klas, could you please make an example of current usage?

thanks a lot


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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

To create optgroup in dynamic cascade you have to have query result to have value 'optgroup' and the usual text will be optgroup name.

e.g. if you have the following records with text and value, red and green will be optgroups:

red - optgroup

a -1

b -2

green -optgroup

c -3

d -4

Not very easy to do in query, implementation from normal select dynamic is much better.

248 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Thanks Klas. Really difficult to be used with a normal table since you need to add records into the table to define groups...

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