116 Posts
10 years ago

I'm using Seblod 3.2.2 and Joomla 2.5.18.

As Joomla and therefore Seblod cannot handle multiple categories, I'm defining a multi-categorization workaround for content in Seblod.
I created the categories as regular Joomla categories to benefit from the existing hierarchy mechanism.

To be able to assign multiple ones to one article I did the following:
I have created my main content type (article) and another (free) content type with 2 columns the article id (related article) and the category id (JForm category). These free contents are stored in a separate table.

To display the categories on the content I have created modules (lists) of the free content type with the article id used as live value in the search form. So far so good my categories are displayed as expected.

However to assign them to the actual article I had to create additional modules. One Form to be able to add some categories with article ID (initialized by default to the live article ID) and another List with an additional column for a "Remove" button created as a Delete link.

I defined my joomla modules loaded in a dummy position and the module fields assigned to the same dummy position in my forms (both admin and site).
Unfortunately none of my modules ever displays on the Forms. They display alright in the content but not on the forms.

Am I missing something? Is that a limitation? Is there a workaround to load modules in forms?

Thanks for your help.

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10 years ago
Level 1
Have you trie to assign the module to all pages just for debug ?
116 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Yes the modules are published, access public, assigned to all pages.
I suspect it's a problem with the "free" content type.
I'm about to switch them to an "article" type but I have thousands of them so a little painful.
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