52 Posts
10 years ago


it is possible that makes your plugin "Tabs" more flexible?
It is very simple and unfortunately not always meet the requirements you need.
It would be good if we except the "nav-tabs" also might use the "nav-pills".
In addition, sometimes you also want to prev and next buttons for the tabs.

Some parameters are missing in the form of tabs:
- Selection Tab-Typ: nav-tab | nav-pills
- Checkbox: need own prev + next buttons (yes / no)
- Two fields to insert your own div (before and after the title)
own div befor title: "nav-wedge" (classname)
own div after title: "nav-arrow" (classname)

Would be better, always put the jQuery "div id = tabs". The active class then you do not need.
Here are some pictures of my registration form:
Register form Tab 2
Register form Tab 3 width selectbox Filter

Administration-SiteForm Tab definition:
All Panels: Tab definition
First Tab: First Tab definition
Last Tab: Last Tab definition

The tab_end has the same definition as the "All Panels".

The First and Last Tab definition only is for my own style because need a css class before and after the title.

Now the group identifier is checked and if "wizzard" then "nav nav-pills" is set
Another problem was the prev + next buttons, the "active" class must be removed for this.

I have the TAB scripts in "layouts/libraries/cms/html/bootstrap/" customized for this.
Now works width "nav nav-tab" (SEBLOD Standard) and "nav nav-pills" but this is an hack and with the next update must be changed again.


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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


please add this to the tracker as a feature request

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