it is possible that makes your plugin "Tabs" more flexible?
It is very simple and unfortunately not always meet the requirements you need.
It would be good if we except the "nav-tabs" also might use the "nav-pills".
In addition, sometimes you also want to prev and next buttons for the tabs.
Some parameters are missing in the form of tabs:
- Selection Tab-Typ: nav-tab | nav-pills
- Checkbox: need own prev + next buttons (yes / no)
- Two fields to insert your own div (before and after the title)
own div befor title: "nav-wedge" (classname)
own div after title: "nav-arrow" (classname)
Would be better, always put the jQuery "div id = tabs". The active class then you do not need.
Here are some pictures of my registration form:
Register form Tab 2
Register form Tab 3 width selectbox Filter
Administration-SiteForm Tab definition:
All Panels: Tab definition
First Tab: First Tab definition
Last Tab: Last Tab definition
The tab_end has the same definition as the "All Panels".
The First and Last Tab definition only is for my own style because need a css class before and after the title.
Now the group identifier is checked and if "wizzard" then "nav nav-pills" is set
Another problem was the prev + next buttons, the "active" class must be removed for this.
I have the TAB scripts in "layouts/libraries/cms/html/bootstrap/" customized for this.
Now works width "nav nav-tab" (SEBLOD Standard) and "nav nav-pills" but this is an hack and with the next update must be changed again.