11 years ago
Hello all,

I want to give a live value to a file upoad field.

When the user doesn't choose a file, then a default file from the live value will be chosen.

Is this possible at all and what do I need to fill in as live value?

Thank you
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11 years ago
Level 1
Hi gebeer,
for me, your need doesn't make sense.

An upload_file plugin is to upload a file from the client (user computer) to the server. If the user don't upload a file, which file you want to upload from his computer ?

It's better to check in the content view if the field is empty, and if empty, display something predefined.

Best regards.
11 years ago
Level 2
Hello Lionel,
thank you for the answer.
I was thinking about live value for upload field because the validation for file upload is not working. Please see this thread and this issue in the tracker.
So I needed a workaround.
Finally I have done what you proposed. I check for value in my content view template.
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