11 years ago


Is there a way to get the live value plugins work not only when you submit the form the first time (creation) but also when you edit the content ?

For instance I wanted to create a DATE field that would be filled with the DATE live plugin available on the market but it only works when you create the content. I wanted the field to be updated each time we edit and save it. It would be a merge of the CREATED and UPDATED native joomla fields.



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11 years ago
Level 1

Hey, did you ever find a solution to this? Thanks!

11 years ago
Level 1


Now I use the SD_concat field that can put the $date and $time in any field you want. In some other cases I use a code field.


11 years ago
Level 1

To build a workflow we need to get the name and email of the user who is modifying a content (in back office). Then we use these values in a email field.

We use a USER live value plugin (with the name and email values) but the live value ONLY works once (at the creation of the content, not the editing).

Can we make the live value plugin work at the edition time please?


11 years ago
Level 2
Hi every body,

There is no make sense to use live plugin in the edition process.
it is the same thing as saying you want the default value of a field in the editing phase.

If you wan to use a value like user name or email for user then set a live value on fields in creation phase. After that, make sure you do not give the possibility for a user to change this value in creation and editing.phases. Like that, you can use this value when you want.

11 years ago
Level 1
Most of the time now we make 90% of the dynamic behaviors with code fields.
In this case we use the 'before storage' code field with the following code (just an example)

// we created two simple text fields pulsar_content_creator_email and pulsar_content_creator_name
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$config["post"]["pulsar_content_creator_email"]= $user->email;
$config["post"]["pulsar_content_creator_name"]= $user->name;

This kind of code is handy to build an edition workflow


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