10 years ago
Hello to all,

I'm creating a website where I'm using SEBLOD, so far so good. But came the first big problem and I do not know how to solve.

It is as follows:
I have an article that is used as a "project" with custom fields, other than the default Joomla articles / SEBLOD.
I also have another type of article that are the "product".

What I need to do is to include products in the projects, ie, an "X" project uses the product "A", "B", "C" and "D", in the form of the Project will appear the list of Products from A to Z for the user to choose the products used in the project.

Is such a thing possible?

Sorry for my english, it is very "à lá Google Translate" x)

Anything you do not understand let me know, I will try to explain myself better,
With best greetings
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi BN,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forums.  Don't forget to check out the Manuals section. It would also be helpful for you to be familiar with the SEBLOD storage methodology in the tutorial and videos. You can also check out James' Channel.

There are a couple of ways you can solve your issue.  A Related article field or Select Dynamic field - these fields will create a dropdown list of the different Products.

Also have a look at GroupX or FieldX - these fields will allow you to add multiple fields of the Related Article or Select Dynamic.

Hope that helps.


10 years ago
Level 2

[edit: better images]

Hi Randy,

Sory, but I did not want to tell me what effect. I made some diagrams / drawings to try to explain myself better. 

Imagine any number of categories that are arranged hierarchically as the schema (assuming that the catid is the category id):

Now, imagine a small part of the database:


What I need is to be printed on the form something like:

Applying example, arise, for example, these results:

Is it possible to do this?
Is that what you told me to do, as I understand, is to add the product itself, I only intend to put link them to projects (a type of article called project).

Once again,

Sorry for my english, it is very "à lá Google Translate" x)

Anything you do not understand let me know, I will try to explain myself better, 

With best greetings

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3


When you create a Content Type in SEBLOD, it will create a table in the database for you. You can define which category each content type will be saved in - or select the category. Using fields like Select Dynamic and Select Dynamic Cascade you can also query the database for values that you want in the Content type.

Using a List & Search Type, you can query the database and present the data in a blog view or table view. The Search Type will be based on the Content Type, and each field in the Content Type may be used to define the information you want returned.

So in your example, it appears that you want to query the database to see all of the information based on the person that filled out the form is this correct?

All of this can be done with SEBLOD!

Hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 4

Hi Randy,

Thanks, actually, the select dynamic cascade is almost what I need, it is possible to use checkbox? Because when you select the check box is associated with the project.

If you can not see well, try to make an image with the sample project, so maybe able to view what I need.

With best greetings

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