11 Posts
7 years ago

Hi. I've built a couple of sites in Joomla but I'm a newcomer to SEBLOD. I've read through all the manuals and watched some additional videos but can't find what I want. I'm rebuilding the site for my amateur musicals society and a core part is a page for each show, which will feature a cast list (i.e. a list of each character and actor playing them). In the current (HTML) site, this is simply a 2-column table, but I'm struggling to recreate this in SEBLOD. Ideally, I'd like a way to relate each character to the actor so that a subsequent search on an actor will show a list of each part they have played. I've tried using a Field X field for each character (which works) but can't work out how to then create an actor field which links to each character. I'd be grateful for any suggestions on how to achieve this.

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

You need to create separate cast content type with fields e.g. show_id, character, actor. Then you can use list field to show cast list with show_id field linking it to the parent show (you simply set its live value to the article id in the search)

11 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Thanks Klas, that's brilliant. I was thinking along those lines as I've built some relational databases in MS Access, but couldn't quite grasp how to structure it best. So each record in the cast content type is an individual character/actor? So it's probably best to set up a new category for cast too. And can I then include the list from the search in the Admin Form, or only in the Site Form?


4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Yes, each record is individual character/actor. 

You can include this list in any view, but most likely you need it in content view of Form&Content type. In the actuall show type form (doesn't matter whether it is front or back end) you will need to add button Free that will open cast form (with redirection back to show form), so that it is easy to add cast records.

11 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4

Thanks again. I will have to review the manuals and videos to fully understand what to do, but I know I'm on the right track now. Seems like you can do anything with SEBLOD once you have mastered it! Thanks.

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