6 years ago


Would it possible that the jform image field call the JCE media manager when installed, instead of keeping the poor native joomla media manager please ?



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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

It is possible, but you would need to create new field for that

6 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas

thanks for the answer, even if it's not what I hoped for 



6 years ago
Level 2


my first post in this forum.

I'm trying to do this too.
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Is it neccesarry to create a complete new field? How will this be done?
I tried a small plugin, which should replace the URL Seblod creates when the media manager is called, but this doesn't work yet.

With the Joomla extension "Remote Image" it works fine out-of-the-box, but this media manager is similar to the Joomla media manager.

So, how to get around?
How to take care, that every com_media is replaced by JCE or another better media solution?
Why is Seblod ignoring the JCE-replacement of com_media? Where can this been changed?

Thanks for your time and answer.


4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

Yes, you would need to create new field or modify existing one.

6 years ago
Level 4

Thanks for your reply.

I can't find out, how to create a new custom field in Seblod.

But maybe I declared wrong. The field itself isn't a beauty, but it's okay.
It's just the link to the media manager, I want to change.

It seems, Seblod doesn't react on changes of the media manager. If you select JCE or whatever as default, in Joomla Core it takes effect, but Seblod seems to ignore this. Where is defined, Seblod calls the core-media manager in every case and not the default-one?

Maybe you can help me with that.



4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 5

To create new field you need to be a developer or ire one to help you. You could use existing one and do necessary modifications to load JCE version instead. There is no help for this except what you can find o this forums - custom development s not part of public support on the forums. YOu can also contact Octopoos to give you a quote for such custom field.

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