6 years ago

I need to upload images from users who will later become the intro and article image. Everything works well with fild x but if I add a link with the 2 button to the x field in the intro, clicking above the port image on the home page and not the article you want. Why? thank you so much!!

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1


I'm sorry, but I don't exactly understand what your problem is, is click opening full image? 

6 years ago
Level 1

I'm trying to build a site for photographers where they can upload photos to let them see and comment on other photographers. I need to see all the photos saved in this category in a certain category "landscape" and that they are clickable and open the extended article where there are all the photos, exposure, diaphragm, camera used etc. Articles are created by users through the seblod form and the image uploaded through field-x. Everything works except in the galleries the preview photo appears but clicking on it is brought to the homepage.

Front end upload photo

Back end upload photo

Intro (gallery visualization)


Site if you click on the title it brings me to the right article but click on the picture it brings me to the home page. Because?

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Probably you are using Joomla blog to show into images and this confuses router, try setting target menu (click on + next to the link), if this doesn't work you will need to create native Seblod search type and show your "articles" using Seb blog template.

6 years ago
Level 1

Even with the search for seblod I always return the same result.

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

did you set menu target?

6 years ago
Level 1

Yes. Still not work.

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

I tested an I can confirm this problem. Please report it on the tracker.

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