10 years ago

Struggling, and do not know where to look anymore.

My image upload field gives, depending on the chosen image, a white screen once save is clicked. Some JPG files seem to cause a problem during thumbnail creation (they are not created) and cause a white screen. Max size is more than sufficient, file types are allowed etc etc. It appears to occur most files and changing filename, resizing them in photoshop etc seems not to help, while some files . . . do not cause this problem. 

Help, what could I be missing here. . . .

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi JohnB,

Welcome to the SEBLOD Forum.  What version of Joomla/SEBLOD are you using?

Please verify all of the System requirements.

What is the different file types that you are trying to upload and what are their file names?

What fields do you have in the Content Type?



10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Randy,

Great to see that you are looking into it. I believe the versions should be all ok.

Joomla 3.2.2. Seblod 3.3.5, local MAMP 1.96. installation with means php 5.3.5. 

Both uploadable and un uploadable files were .jpg or .JPG and the content type is now being build, so besides a few image fields (all have same problem) it has merely text fields.

Hope this leads to some idea . .

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi JohnB,

What are you using for the thumbnail creation settings?  Is there a difference between the extensions .jpg vs .jpg (or .JPG vs .JPG) - where some of them work and some do not?  How many different files are you testing with?  Have you tried with other file formats?



10 years ago
Level 4

Hi Randy,

As far as I understand all normal media files (as in Global Configuration) should work. So we talking about very simple jpg files (two samples uploaded). A screenshot of the fieldsettings is also uploaded. Hope you have an idea!

14 Posts
Jack Horner
10 years ago
Level 2

I don't know if this was ever resolved.

I had this problem and upon reviewing system requirements found that I had neglected to install php-gd.  Once I added that library, and bounced apache, the issue cleared up.

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