FB requires you to use certain image sizes for posting links. I found an overview
You can setup your image field so that it automatically makes an image in the required size from the original image, e.g as Thumb2.
To make sure that the correct image and description gets picked up, you should use open graph meta tags in your head.
I usually do this in a position override with some code from Joomla API, something like:
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$document->addCustomTag( "<meta property='og:image' content='" . JURI::base() . $pathToFBImage );
$document->addCustomTag( "<meta property='og:description' content='". $description ."'>" );
You can get the path to your image in your position override with something like:
$pathToFBImage = $cck->getThumb2('article_image');
where 'article_image' is the name of your image field.
and the description with something like:
$description = $cck->getValue('your_description_text_field');
Instead of using a position override, you could use the
Code Pack plugin.
Hope this helps