10 years ago

i am working 5 hours with Sebold and i have watch many youtube videos "how to do" ;)
Now, I have a problem. Always i want to safe a custom article in a new Database (for example: I have create a new form, i have crate new field and i have create a new category.)

ok, go to Article > New > Select my new form > Insert the values in the fields and click safe. After this click i get a blank page.

Whats the problem? Can you help my.

Thanks for your time.

Kind regards
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Axterius!

Is the blank page on the Admin section or on the Front end of the website? Did you make sure to include fields in the Content section of your Content type?



10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Randy,

yes, same fields include admin side, side form and content. the blank page ist on the Admin section. (Joomla-Backend)
Bevor this trouble i have a problem with my firewall on the server.
there, I could not create custom fields.

>> I have fixed this.

Can you identy the reason?

thanks so much.
10 years ago
Level 3
Ok, i could fixed the problem.

I have delete all fields in the database and create new.
Now i can create any article.

I Think, while i have implement the form and field originated the problem.

Thanks very much for your help.

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Axt!

Glad you got it fixed. Perhaps there was something wrong with the the way one of the fields were set up. One way to check for this in the future is to remove some or all of the fields in the Content Type and then add them back one by one.


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