15 Posts
10 years ago
Hi all

I try to use the 'link plugin' but don't know how to, and there is no readme.

But maybe I don't understand the interest of this plugin.

My problem: I have two Search forms, on the fisrt I want to add a link to the second.

Have a nice day.

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

you will need to be a bit more specific, there are multiple link plugins http://www.seblod.com/products?search=seb_marketplace&task=search&seb_item_category=20
15 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi, Klas

I'm talking about this custom link plug-in.. What I want is to put on a 'simple' search form a link to a more 'complete' search form. On the 'simple', users can make a search on the 2 more important fields of my content. On the complete, they can make a search on all fields.

Best regards

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
As written on product desctipion - after you install it it will be available in dropdown in link column, when you click on button 2 (Link + Typography) in content and intro views (Content Types) and list and item views (Search Types).
Link plugins create link from marked fields to something else and since they are only usable when displaying some content (e.g. on article list you can use link to make title "clickable" - leading to individual articles), they can't be used on forms. 

But if I understand your requirement correctly, you can use link field to offer a link to the more complex form or using conditional states create a button e.g. "show more options",  that will open/close additional fields inside the same form (without loading new form)

15 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Klas

And thanks, I will try

Best regards
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

About what you wrote "But if I understand your requirement correctly, you can use link field to offer a link to the more complex form or using conditional states create a button e.g. "show more options", that will open/close additional fields inside the same form (without loading new form)". Can you tell me more specifically how can I do that?

I have search with Title and another fields, but I want have only Title to search and get another filters using a button (link) "show more options", that makes visible another fields without change current page.


4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

You need to add some button, then go to each field you wish to hide/show and add conditional This field ¨"is Visible" WHEN (your button name) is Pressed

10 years ago
Level 4

I've tried what you suggested me but…doesn't work! I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.  =S

10 years ago
Level 5

I've got this error in mozilla console (inspector): TypeError: $(...).deepestHeight is not a function when I click on button to show/hide fields.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 6

Is this frontent? Can you try using default joomla tempalte if it makes any difference - this sounds like some javascript is missing. Also, which version do you use?

10 years ago
Level 7

Yes this is in frontend. I'm using Joomla 3.2.2. I also have problems editing articles in frontend website, where does not appear "save and close" button… This may be due to the version of joomla?


4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 8

First check if there are any Javascript erors on the page (Using Firebug or Crome developer console) - I presume there is. Then you will need to experiment a bit with your template and extensions you have running - try chaging tempalte to default joomla one and disabling extensions (other than seblods) one by one to find the one that is causing the error.

10 years ago
Level 9

Hi Klas,

Now I don't have any erros in the page (using inspector is all clean). What happens now is: I click "show more options" button, the fields that I defined is hidden but next appears "Invalid Token" message with a blank page.

Do you have any suggestions?


4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

This sound very different from TypeError: $(...).deepestHeight you were mentioning in previous post. Invalid token would signify your click posted the form (and for some reason with wrong token.. but this second error is for sure not related to opening/closing fields). 

In short - impossible to say what is going on without seeing all configuration and form in action. If you can create some login to see the form and its configuration I would take a look

10 years ago
Level 2

Ok, I'm around this and…in this moment I can show filters (or better, hide). If in my conditional state I choose "Is Hidden" I can hide my filters using my button "show more filters". But if I choose "Is Visible", i.e., hide filters on load page and show them only when  button is clicked, nothing happens. Filters are showed and button doesn't make nothing.

10 years ago
Level 1


I resolved my problem using a checkbox instead using button.

I don't know if there are, but I did not find any tutorial that explains how to use the "conditional states" functionality. If not, it was good that existed.

Thanks for all

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