151 Posts
11 years ago


Some days ago I bought the 3 Typo Plugin Pack but I don't undestand how to use the JText Plugin, could you please provide some documentation or examples?


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11 years ago
Level 1

Wow, two days and no one has helped you. 
I'm sorry for that. 

Is this the plugin you're talking about? http://www.seblod.com/products/1773

If this is NOT it, let me know.

Seems the ONLY documentation on that plugin is on that page.  I can't find anything else on it.

It's sad really.  This is such a great product but documentation and support are horrendous.  I'm not saying the developers should be here, quite the opposite. I'm very thankful that they keep working and developing this project. I just wish there were more users here to share what they've learned. 

If I find anything else, l'll let you know.


151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2


Yes that is the plugin I was talking about and I don't have any infromation yet :(

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi guys,

@jimenaes, do you know what's typo plugin? See option 3 in content view. Apply the typo on your field (example a country field). Then you can add in your ini language file a string such as "This item is located to %s".

Hope it helps.


151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Thank for answer Bes

I do know and use a lot the typo plugin and I see that the JText plug in is now in its options but I dont undertan what is the use of it. I bought the Typograpghy Plugin pack looking for something that could help me to show in my content type just some fields according on my site language. I tryied to explain in others posts that I have a english/spanish site and I need to save just one article of my contet type, not one for each language, because it has many other articles related. So I have already asked in others posts if you think this JText could help me or if the ones in the other 5 plugin pack could, this one is to expensive for me if I cant use it :(  I'm sorry but I dont undertand how to use them, could you be so kind to post some expamples or some more information?  Seblod is just wonderfull, I have use it since 4 years ago but for this last version there is very little documentation :(

Thanks again

11 years ago
Level 3

ok The JText option is for Translating the Labels the Typo Plugin is for Checking fild Values. JText option allows you to create costum ini files for your seblod forms so the Label not the Value of a Fild can be Translatet hope that helps 


151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4

Hi, thanks for answer.

I use the overrides ini language files to translate all my Seblod labels, and that is something I can do once I enable the Jtext option in the main Seblod options, without having installed the Jtext plugin than cames in the 3 plugin pack. So, I dont understand yet what is the use of this specific JText plugin.

So, there is no way to hide/show some fields in the content view according to the site language? Does it is possible with some other plugin? It is possible to get the site language as a live value?

Many thanks for answer

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