64 Posts
7 years ago


I have 5 fields that i want to add more another 5 fields ( same settings ) to show in frontpage.

My fields: http://prntscr.com/fcjnwj

I tried Groupx field, but i must create another form with this 5 fields and i can't show it on my frontpage for my article.

Thank you.

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

You need groupX for that, there is no other solution. You can display groupx in an article, why do you say you can't?

64 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Hello @Klas,

Well i didn't saw any tutorial how to set-up this groupX. I created another form with these 5 fields and trying to add groupX in my standard form and does not show my values.

So .. my steps are: I need 2 forms - Form 1 Standard form and Form 2 Reserved form 

1. Create new form with App Folder: select the principal form where you will want to display the fields value.

2. Create fields here ( simple text fields )

3. After going back to my Standard form and create a groupX field where Content Type (Form) is my Form2 Reserved selected and Select FREE, i selected the table : hi68y_cck_store_item_cck_store_form_rezerved and it added automatically on storage field:  group_x_r 

4. Now i saw... but now all fields... only 2 fields :( 

Did i miss something ? 

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

An unofficial guide to groupX: https://web.archive.org/web/20160609001552/http://www.seblod.com/resources/extensions/plug-ins/group-x-field

Please note that having storages as described in guide is not officially recommended (official recommendation is to have storage None on child fields), but is in my experience the only way to make it work in all cases.

64 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Thank you... i saw the settings from gallery app form... and i did same ! But i don't see only 2 fields ... and tried to edit the form, but it save only 2 fields .. and i don't know why ?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4

What kind of field are you trying to use in gruopX ? Anything that requires a lot of javascript like wysiwyg editors, select dynamic cascade etc, wont work.

64 Posts
7 years ago
Level 5

Only text ! I wanted to add dates .. but i don't know if will work.. like start date and finish date.

Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/fdd7fd

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 6

Dates should work. Perhaps you problem is in php settings that limit the number of fields that can save, see manual

64 Posts
7 years ago
Level 7

I have xamp... i don't think i have any restriction.... i created another 5 fields in standard form and these has been saved.

I think it's a problem with configuration of groupX or it's a bug.. http://prntscr.com/fddook

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 8


It looks like your groupx data is getting truncated.

Need to make sure you set it to text rather than varchar256 etc

64 Posts
7 years ago
Level 9

Doesn't save this settings. http://prntscr.com/fdfzim

I tried Custom | Article | groupseblod[camera1] and have same issue... not save in varchar255

Can you import my appfolder and check where it's wrong ? https://files.fm/u/2vm85tjd

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 10


You have the storage a bit mixed.... I did a guide a long time ago, that might help

Field Title: Funky GroupX
Field Name: funky_groupx
Field Type: GroupX
Content Type: select some content type ie Repeat Me
Storage: Custom | Article (or whatever it is) | funky_groupx[repeat_me] | Alter DB: text

Your fields in the Repeat Me content type should be stored normally.

I am not sure on how 'safe' it is to have these repeating fields set as storage none so I would treat them as normal fields. A field in 'Repeat Me' might be like this:

Field Title: Camera 1
Field Name: camera_1
Field Type: Text
Storage: Standard | Article (or whatever it is) | camera_1 Alter DB VarChar 50 (or whatever it is best set at)
4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 11

Storages should be  Custom | Article | groupxname for groupX and Custom| Article | groupxname[fieldname] for child fields. Don't follow Bucklash's advice on this one or you will get errors on searches.

But as Bucklash correctly suggested, your problem is not in the wrong storage setting, as some fields save - you need to change database type on the groupX field storage, either to larger Varchar(2048) or to text. Data types on child field don't matter as all data is saved in groupX field.

64 Posts
7 years ago
Level 12

I understand now! Now it's working .. but this will fail when I have more items .... Hmm, I think the only way is to add 30 fields and make a simple design for group of 5 fields.

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 12

Hey Klas...

So is that new or is that how it has always been, or a quirk on what works best?

Fieldx is as I described above isn't it?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 13

A quirk that works best, see (archived copy of) manual I linked above. Same storages should be used for FieldX. Official recommendation is to use None for children, but that does not always work in my experience.

64 Posts
7 years ago
Level 14

I will add 30 text fields... no more need to add groupX because doesn't have a nice functionality ! Thank you for your support. 

I'm wondering if i could use rsform pro and map values to cck db ! I know with rsform!pro i can do this ... but i don't know if this will be a solution.

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