15 Posts
10 years ago

Hello, I am using 3.3.6 now and its looks that method <?php echo CCK_Article::getValue( $id, 'field' ); ?> dont work anymore.

This is really a problem for me, I use this method often and it gives me a lot of flexibility. I use it in modules, in templates, in querys, in different articles to exchange data and a lot of other stuffs. its amazing what we can do if we go out of articles limitations. 

There is another way to get field data anywhere?

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Should be working, if not it might be a bug, please report it on the tracker.

3 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


is this a bug or not?

echo CCK_Article::getValue( $id, 'field' );

returns nothing

Seblod 3.3.7; Joomla 3.3.6


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