9 years ago

Hello, i will add opening hours. example: monday 0-8 how can i create this? an is it possible this add in the search exampe: saerch all now open Business

i think i musst use a Dropdown field, with more than one column?

thank you very much

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9 years ago
Level 1


We did something near here: http://www.bibliotheque-mazarine.fr/fr/ the calendar is a Seblod list that displays seblod events with opening and closing dates.

It really depends on the result you want to get.

Can you describe it a bit more please ?



9 years ago
Level 1

Hello thank you for your answere.

I will create a Business Directory with Restaurants with a field opening hours. Can i create this field with Checkbox? I Need seven days and the hours and a Option for closing days and open end. But i dont know how can i do that.

9 years ago
Level 1

Hello can nobody help me?

i frustrated with this :( i spend many hours and found no solution.

I nee opening hours for a busines Directory with the days from monday to sunday. each day a Option open time and closed thime and optinal "open end" and "closed"

how can i do that?

many thanks for help

187 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Essge,

isn't making fields monday thursday etc and others fields with opening hours an option?

Its not possible to search for restaurants that are open now this way, but thats a bit tricky..

Or you should make a field for every hour that they are open... so 8-9 9-10 etc... that they tick every hour that they are open.

Then you can search for an specific hur and location.



9 years ago
Level 2

Hello thanks for your answere,

i Need hours so 1 2 or 1:15 or 2:45.... thats many hours. and your idea to search for Restaurants open now is good. But how can i make this all? i dont know how can i crate opening hours field :(

best regards

187 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Essge,

i'm not sure what you mean with i can't create an opening hours field.

Do you mean you don't know how to create any field or how to create this specific field?

Maybe you should describe more specific what you want to achieve.

An example for a opening hours field is a select simple with options 1, 2, 3,4 ,5, etc 24

But it depends on whta you want to do with that field how you should create it.

You can also create a simple textfield en let owners fill out their opening hours.



9 years ago
Level 2

Hello Pathos,

i mean how can i create this specific field. With the select simple field i Need also 1:15 1:30 1:45 2 ...

an example what i want:

Monday open from 2:00 until 10:00


Monday closed


Monday open from 3:15 until open end

In the search form search at "open now" or "open today" or "open until a specific time"

do you know how can i do that?

Thank you very much

9 years ago
Level 3

Has there been any progress on this. I am in a similar situation and I am not sure how to go about it. It is for service times for a church. 

The fields would be like this:

Weekday StarttimeH:StartTimeM AM/PM

But I don't know how to 1. Make it searchable like 'morning time on a Tuesday' or 2. Even make this field. How should I construct it?

are there developers that are available to hire/help?

9 years ago
Level 1


I think the best way to describe your need is to sketch the view you want. There are sure some developers arround - also the SEBLOD Team where you can buy personal support packages.



9 years ago
Level 2

This is what I was thinking: I need to have a time field, so that I can filter by a time range, like morning evening. But the date/time field are specific to one single date. How would I go about setting up a a field to have a week day, hour and minute (and multiple per day, like a 10:30AM and 5:30PM on a Tuesday.). 

154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

A really simple solution is just to use a few fields

Dropdown (Simple) for the Days of the Week (you could possibly assign numerical values to them - Eg: Sunday=1, Monday=2)

Start time text field - timestamp.

End time text field - timestamp

Dropdown (Simple) - Morning + Afternoon + Evening

You will find that with the above fields you can create many types of filtering.

Of  course more complex solutions are possible but that is up to you.

9 years ago
Level 1

It seems like it would be simple like that.

1. I don't have an option for a timestamp field.

2. There isn't a way to connect the weekday and time together.

For example if I search Thursday AM, the example I gave would come up, even though it has nothing for thursday, but because there is an entry for thurday and an time for AM it would show...Is there a way to connect these day/times together? Each row being something to search?

154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

1) Create a text field then ALTER (see at the bottom where you have storage) - to TIMESTAMP

2) You can definitely connect the weekday and time together. However you may need the following


The idea here is you have two search dropdown : Days of the Week and another Dropdown (Morning/Evening)

When you select Thursday and Morning it will search with both criteria.

9 years ago
Level 3

Are the times bound just to weekdays or also to special dates? Like for example in cinema programms where there ist week 1 of the year, week 2 ,... and on?

If it´s bound to weeknumber i would create one content per date and have a Datefield with Timeinput there. Then Split the Date and Fill three other Fields automatic with retrieved values. Weeknumberfield, Weekday and Daytime Field.

In search you have the possibility to match this.

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