10 years ago

Hi everyboby,

I'm quite new to SEBLOD and I set up some forms easily, it seems very powerful. The main issue I encountered is that I don't want to use the Title field on my customized articles.

Firstly I tried to modify the Title field but changes were applied to all forms. So, is there any possibility to :

  • Set a custom field as default title ?
  • Set the value of the title field using another field value ?

I found several answers and links on SEBLOD V2 forum, but cannot find the way to do it on V3. It was written by SEBLOD team that we can put what we want in Title : http://www.seblod.com/v2/1776-title-manager.html

Can you help me on that point ?

Many thanks for your support,



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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Lionel77,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forums. Please take a moment to review the documentation in the Manuals section.It would also be helpful for you to be familiar with the SEBLOD storage methodology in this tutorial and videos.

There are 4 sections:

  • Admin Form (Admin side)
  • Site Form (Front side)
  • Intro (Front side)
  • Content (Front side)

It is useful to have a title to help manage the articles in the article manager in the admin side. Using the SD Field Concat is a great way to create a title name. But you can use any field as a title if you place title in the storage value.

If you do not want your title to show, you simply have to remove the field from the Content/Intro sections from the Form & Content Type.

hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 2

Dear Randy,

Thank you for your support.

Yes I already tried to place "title" as storage value of one of my field. It works for the first time I save the form. After that, if I want to modify the field linked to title, it concatenate previous value with the new one and if I reopen the article, both fields (title and my custom field) get concatenated value.

After reading your post I tired again and remove the main joomla title field from the construction panel. Here it works and the title value is updated properly.

In the meantime, I found a workaround :

I use the original title field but I only changed the "label" and its works. This modification is only linked to each individual form. So I can have multiple forms, with different labels for the main field.

It appears to be a good, simple and free solution. What's your point of view ? Will I encounter some issues with that method ?

Best Regards,


693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi Lionel,

Using the Article Title is a perfect solution!  If you create a new Content Type and use the Article skeleton, then it will add the Article Title and Category among other fields, but those two are the most important I think, and you can simply change the labels.  If you start out with the Blank skeleton, then you have to add fields back in, either by using the field library in the lower right hand side, or by creating your own.

So just changing the label to read whatever you want is fine.  In some case you may not  want the label to show - especially on the Content view.  The label can be removed by adding "clear" without the quotes to the label.



10 years ago
Level 4

Dear Randy,

Thank you. As you confirmed, changing the label of Title field is the most efficient solution. I made several tries and it works perfectly. Removing the label with the "clear" keyword is a great tip. Thanks :-)

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