64 Posts
6 years ago

I would like to grab author id to create a button like " Send PM to this author" 

I use uddeIM for PM and i want to create a button to send PM to author and i would like to grab user id:

This solution gives me the name of author but not the ID:

Any solution ?

And another question is regarding articles from specific categories. I want to display all articles from category with id: 18,19,20,52,59,70,90 

How to show only articles from these categories ?

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1


for first question you need to use "Article created by" field. For second add article category field and set it's live value to above value and set appropriate matching (Any words exact)

64 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Hello Klaus. Thank you for your reply, i tried with Article created by field but i get only name not ID. How to get the id ?

And for the second question, can be another solution ? Like to select the categories ID that i want to filter ? ... with filter by words i think it's not a solution for me :( !

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

Article created by has value with the user id, it only shows name as text, in button you can get it's value using $cck->getValue('art_created_by').

For second question please read https://www.seblod.com/resources/manuals/ section - if you use your values in as the live value (as comma separated string) and use metioned matching, it should work.

Also my name is Klas, not Klaus.

64 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Thank you Klas! :)

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