10 years ago


I have prepared a custom template based on Simple Simon template. I am fetching all fields in my template. At the moment I am using a field type Image upload and FieldX for the same field. I am trying to build a image slider / carousel, which too is working fine. But now I want to use the image Title and Image description as captions on the image, but I am not really sure how to fetch it using Seblod. I tried this

<code><?php echo $cck->getValue('slide_image')->image_title; ?></code> but it did not work, then I tried searching the forums, but could not find anything that helps.

Note: Each Image has its own title and own description which has to be displayed and has got nothing to do with the art_title, also i am using image_title as i saw in the db, it is stored this way:

<code>"image_location":"images/projects/slider/70/1233413_383290838467233_748920974_n.jpg","image_title":"SomeTitle Goes Here 2","image_description":"Some description for the image"}::/slider_image|0|slide_image::<br /><br /> </code>

Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance to all of you.



Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1


Just an update, figured out how to do it...

<?php echo $cck->get('slide_image')->image_title; ?> : to get image title

<?php echo $cck->get('slide_image')->image_alt; ?>.: to get image description alt.

Sorry for bothering everyone.

Thnaks though to everyone.



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