28 Posts
6 years ago

Hi, i am using SEBLOD Form & List Pack and have configured like on documentation: https://www.seblod.com/resources/tutorials/create-a-dynamic-list-within-a-list-item. 

All works fine, the current articles are displayed on list&searchtype of category. But if i link list items to content -> view (default) there is no article content on article page. If i use a menu item to link direct to embed list &searchtype for article, the links from list items works like it should be and there is content on article page. 

If joomla sef is disabled, all works fine in both views.

Seblod SEF is set to default /ID-Alias.

All Components latest version.

Any ideas?

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Did you set target menu in the link options? Inherit does not work correctly when list is displayed in module or list field.

If yes, is target menu set to the same language as target articles?

28 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

To set set target menu has no effect. Only if i overwrite sef urls in link option to /parent/alias for example it works, no matter if target is set or not. But now i have menuitem in url twice (same menu item selectes as of list view). If i set general seblod sef to /parent/alias i get on the same links „404 – category not found“ no matter what sef overwrite i use on link options. I tried two days until now to get links work and to understanding routing on seblod – its very frustrating :( I have installed all new to avoid mistakes but all the same.

Have i missed to set parameters or fields on special places that could be necessary?

Languages are installed but until now no language plugins enabled, only one menu is set.  

Thank you for supprt (:

215 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Hey pabro

What did you mean by "current articles are displayed on list&searchtype of category" ? Do you render your list of articles via list field in the category content view template filtered by parent catid? If yes, can you doublecheck if you din't put by an oversight some category fields in the article list view?



28 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

Hi Michal,

yes, i does exact like here in documentation: https://www.seblod.com/resources/tutorials/create-a-dynamic-list-within-a-list-item

  • Fields in embed Article list on list view: art_title, art_fulltext
  • Fields in embed Article list on seach-form: cck (core content type), art_catid
  • Fields in Category on content view: cat_id, cat_description, article list (see above)
  • Fields in Category on search-form: cck (core content type)

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 4

I tried to replicate this and routing works correctly for me here, I set menu to "articles search" and I got this link: http://localhost/seblod-testing/index.php/en/articles-search/362-test-article-from-test-import-category

Have you set your Joomla sef correclty , eg. common mistake is to activete url rewriting and to forget to rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess

28 Posts
6 years ago
Level 5

Hi Klas,

i think i found the issue. I have linked to a menu item related to a list for category type, and second i tried to use menu item with manually set url (anchor). I did not know that the related view is important, thinking it is using only the menu structure to build url … also i have tested a lot so i cant figure out all mistakes.

215 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

pabro, seblod routing is sometimes a mistery for me too but what you desribe should normaly work.

When you created links to articles in article list, you have selected some menu item, right? 

1) What type is the menu item you selected for your links?

2) If the type of selected menu item is SEBLOD List, what joomla object is the target menu item listing?  Article or Category?

Can you test another menu item for your article links (SEBLOD List type, doublecheck that  menuitem is listing articles not categories).


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