11 years ago


I'm testing Seblod to replace all components of my site and have more structured data

I'm checking if I can replace community builder by Seblod and there is one functionality I don't find
in CB, you can insert user either by username or First Name + Last Name (username is automatically created by concatenation of the 2 fields) - does the same function exists in Seblod ?


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11 years ago
Level 1

au niveau 5, j'ai réussi à mettre la formule pour concaténer Prénom et Nom et le champ username est en lecture seule

ça répond presque à mon problème: le dernier souci est d'ajouter un espace entre le prénom et le nom

11 years ago
Level 1

Yes there is a concat future in seblod ^^ you can set for example the user name fild in your registration form to hidden and value concat of first and last name

11 years ago
Level 2

thanks for your answer. It's what I did but now I have another issue : how to insert space between First Name and last name

I already tested customized formula with : a || " " || b   but it doesn't work

11 years ago
Level 3

first of all to keep things clean you should start a new topic for that and mark this as solved thx so its more usefull when people search that got same problems like you

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