9 years ago

Everybody hello!

I found a problem with Upload Image in Fieldx - field deletes subfields if subfield value isn't legal. My actions:

1) I have a Upload Image Field with Custom Legal Extension setting - "jpg,JPG"

2) I put this field to Fieldx 

3) I created an article with this FieldX and added 3 pictures

4) I opened this article to edit and added a picture with non-legal extension (png) after first picture - not to last position

5) I pressed to Save button

I see alert message, as usually and only first subfileld from my FieldX!!! So - FieldX deletes all subfield wich next subfiled with wrong values! I think it's a bug, not a feature. Can you help me?


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46 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Ilya A.Zhulin,
hi SEBLOD-team
Perhaps the problem is back again. Can not test this issue at the moment. See this older link:


Best regards

9 years ago
Level 2

Hi, Castor!

Thank you! You are right - the same problem and the same reason but in the another rows. After last rebuild of Upload Image field devs forgot to put $field->error to false.

I'll repeat issue to Github.

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